Healthy and species-appropriate beds

"As you make your bed, you must lie on it." The same saying goes for the dog. A healthy sleep has a positive effect on his immune system, counteracts hyperactivity and supports his ability to learn. A comfortable dog bed accommodates all this. It offers your four-legged friend pleasant relaxation and a high feeling of security.

A good dog bed is adapted to the respective needs of the dog. While senior dogs prefer beds with an entrance, four-legged youngsters feel particularly secure in a model with a circumferential, padded edge. The raised edge also serves to allow the dog to lay its head down when resting. In general, it is important to relieve the pressure on the entire dog's body when dozing and sleeping. Therefore our dog sleeping beds are dimensionally stable and orthopaedically perfect. During the processing we pay attention to healthwise harmless, robust and easy-care materials.